Grand Lake Home Owners Association

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Grand Lake Walking Trails



GL Trails Rev3D with Notes


Until conditions allow some relief from social distancing we won’t organize any formal trail maintenance work parties this summer. However, if you are out on the trail, please feel free to pitch in with some light maintenance by tossing aside fallen branches or other debris on the pathway, pulling ferns on the trail, clipping low overhanging branches and any saplings or exposed small tree roots that have sprung up on the surface (right Hiking Trail Update – June 2020 down to the ground level please) and removing loose rocks or logs that pose a hazard.

Oh, and by the way, when you get back to your cottage, probably a good idea to wash your hands!

2019 Walking Trails Work Parties: Maintenance of the 2 hiking trails at the North end of Lac Grand continues. The walking trails at the north end of Grand Lake are maintained by volunteers during regular walks and by organized work parties a few times each year.    If you are interested in a group hike and a bit of trail maintenance, please contact Abby Hoffman at or by phone at 819-457-1289.   There will be work parties at 11 a.m.  departing from the Trail Head one day a month in July, September  and October.

A map of the walking trails can be found on this website.

The trails are marked with white blazes – generally on the right hand side of the trail.  A single white blaze means continue along the trail in the same general direction; a set of double white blazes indicates a turn with the higher mark indicating the direction of the turn. We are gradually adding more blazes to make following the trail easier but without adding too much visual pollution to the woods! In the meantime, tricky parts are also marked with fluorescent flagging.  Enjoy the trails – one of Grand Lake’s great assets!

Advertising on the Grand Lake website: Members of the GL Association can advertise for free items, property  or services they wish to buy, sell, give away or trade. This includes advertising to sell/rent cottages.  For more information, see the For Sale, For Rent, For Trade, For Free section on this website.

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