Grand Lake Home Owners Association

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Race Results


The FINAL Race Results last season… 

Sailing race Sunday 7 August:

The wind picked up in time for the race, which turned into the battle of the Lasers, between Duncan Vipond, Dan Gray, and Tyler Gray. It was a beautiful race to watch, as the three boats sailed gracefully round the course, but in the end they finished in the same order as they had crossed the start line.

Meanwhile, a fourth Laser had set out from the north end of the lake, with Sally Lee at the helm, but she had to abort when she started sinking. Daughter Kelly towed her to Doug Mclarty’s beach, where she was able to bail out her boat but decided to bail out of the race as well.

1. Duncan Vipond
2. Dan Gray
3. Tyler Gray

Results for Sailing Race held on Sunday 3 July:
1. Dan Gray
2. Tyler Gray
3. Duncan Vipond
4. Terry Ford and Ann Croll
Chris Wanczycki (DNS)

A good if variable wind saw the sailors off to a fine start. The wind had dragged away the marker at the south end, which led to some creativity among the competitors. At this point, the sailors were joined by Warren Stroud and Chris Wanczycki, sailing just for fun. Tyler and Dan drew ahead in the upwind leg, and were virtually neck and neck as they approached the finish line, at which point Dan executed a text book example of how to block your rival, preventing Tyler from tacking and allowing Dan to cross the finish line first. Kudos to Chris, who made it to the finish line, but who was disqualified as he had never crossed the start line.


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