Grand Lake Home Owners Association

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Federation of Lakes

About the Federation

The Federation of Lakes of Val-Des-Monts is a voluntary organization comprised of representatives from lake associations within the municipality of Val-des-Monts. The Federation was created five years ago through the leadership of Bernard Lamontange (a past President of Lake St Pierre) with the goal of encouraging all of the lake associations of Val-des Monts to work together in protecting the quality of the water in our lakes.

The quality of the water in many of our lakes is such that immediate actions are required to reduce, stop and hopefully reverse the wave of deterioration that is challenging the long term survival of the lakes. Recognizing that many of the lakes are interconnected and that the quality of the water in one lake has a large impact on the quality of the water in other lakes, it became clear that the best way to effectively manage the quality of the water is to work with all the lakes associations and the Municipality on common strategies, the “raison d’être” of the Federation. Our objective is to represent all property owners in Val-des-Monts with respect to the protection of our lakes.

The Federation now comprises 21 associations representing 37 lakes. It is a unique community initiative in Québec.

Thanks to the Federation, the lake associations of Val-des-Monts meet regularly with both the Municipality of Val-des-Monts and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife of Québec to develop and implement action plans for improving and protecting the water quality of our lakes.

The Federation keeps water quality and lake capacity on the municipal agenda as it pertains to the quality of life and rate of development around the lakes of Val-des-Monts. The Federation meets five times a year with the Municipality and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Wildlife of Québec. It is an important lobby group of lake association presidents who are committed to speak up and work collectively to ensure safe and clean water for generations to come.

It sponsors the annual Water Day to promote awareness and educate lakeside residents. The Federation has developed and approved a Water Quality Protocol for the bi-annual testing of lake water by measuring the level of phosphorus and the clarity of member lake associations’ water.

Member Lake Associations

The following lake associations are currently members of the Federation:

Lac Bois Franc, Lac Brassard, Lac Champeau, Lac Clair, Lac Dam, Lac Gilmour, Lac Grand, Lac Hardwood, Lac Létourneau, Lac McArthur, Lac McFee, Lac McGlashan, Lac Girard, Lac McGregor, Perkins-sur-le-lac (Lac Louise, Lac Chevreuil, lac la Truite, Lac Rhéaume, Lac Bataille, Lac Maskinongé, Lac Corrigan, Lac Barnes), Lac St-Pierre, Lac McMullin, Lac St-Germain, Domaine St-Antoine, Lac Tenpenny, Lac à la Perdrix, Lac Achigan, Lac du Marbre, Petit Lac Clair.

Advertising on the Grand Lake website: Members of the GL Association can advertise for free items, property  or services they wish to buy, sell, give away or trade. This includes advertising to sell/rent cottages.  For more information, see the For Sale, For Rent, For Trade, For Free section on this website.

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