Mark your calendar for the annual Grand Lake Poker Run Saturday August 31. The event starts at 1:00 and BarBQ at 3:00. Full details are found on the Grand Lake Association website.
Hope to see you there! Don and Sue Goodwin
Another great success, another beautiful sunny day and 80 or more attending. Thanks again to Dan for hosting and the Goodwins for organizing and running the event and the BBQ.
Celebrity guests!
Thanks to all who made the 2022 event such a Grand success again. And special thanks to the Goodwins, Don and Sue, for organizing and running the BBQ and event. A beautiful hot sunny day it was and a good time was had by all!
A new cottager Catherine won first place with a flush, Gary Beach won 2nd with 3 A, K and Q, Janice Dempsey won 3rd place with 3A’s, K 7.
Worst hand was Nathan Cooper’s grandson with %$#! to a Jack.
A sold out event once again! Dale and Sue announcing the winners
Local celebrities dropping by! The kids’ prize corner.
Master Corn Chef Don Goodwin
2019 Poker Run
2019 Poker Run
Thanks to all who made the 2019 event a Grand success again. Despite temperature that struggled to hit 20, large numbers of all ages, including several well-behaved canines, gathered after the run at the Goldberg’s beach for the final Association get together for corn, hot dogs, burgers and drinks, as well as prizes for all the children. In the end, all the hands were sold and the winning hand (worth a hefty $250), a heart flush, was held by Siobhan Devlin. Past President Dale Smith also presented Brain Reynolds with a beautiful bloodwood plaque engraved Mr Grand Lake in tribute to his tireless efforts over many years for our Association. The two winners of the magnificent Dennis Danheiser loon prints were also drawn, being Carol-Ann Joanisse and Jean-Sebastian Deschatelets. Thanks to Dave Helgason and his team of volunteers for organizing and executing the event in flawless fashion. Kudo’s to the Brisebois’s, Gunther’s, Grand Lake Sports Club, Cooper’s, and Sue and Abby for card distribution and to the Goldberg’s for the use of their property once again. Although Susan and Don Goodwin were away this weekend, they helped Dave and his team with a lot of advance preparation-special thanks! The Goodwin’s will reclaim the task to organize next year’s poker run which will take place on Saturday September 5, 2020 (rain date is September 6). Everyone is welcome even if you don’t boat-you can just join the boating participants at the Goldberg cottage where you can buy a hand or just food if games of chance are not your thing. Come and meet your Grand Lake neighbours and celebrate the great summer just enjoyed at Grand Lake.

2018 Poker Run
Worst Hand!
Thanks to Don and Sue for organizing and running this event again this year!
Best Hands!
2017 Poker Run
Celebrities … Dan and Brian
MC Dale … 50 hands played.
Whole lotta boats!
Best hand
Second best
Third best
2016 Poker Run
The annual Poker Run was held Saturday Sept. 3rd 2016
Lakers and
guests gathered at the Goldberg (formerly Reynolds’) party place for the annual get together for corn, hot dogs, hamburgers (and veggie burgers)
and drinks, as well as prizes for all children. Diane Parent’s straight flush easily cleaned up first prize, second was won by a young gambler Ava (full
house) and third to Brian’s guest Mark (flush). Thanks to Susan, Don and Andrew Goodwin for organizing the event, to the other volunteers for the
help with the set up and tear down; to the Houghton’s, Gunther’s, Grand Lake Fishing Club, Coopers, and Sue and Abby. A very big thank you to the
Goldberg’s (and to Brian for arranging this) for the use of their property to host this final event of the season.